Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Merry mutant!
So - here goes.
May I present a festive illustration from the side of the 'Luxury Christmas Crackers' that set me back $3.50* in the Footscray 'misc-crap-that-you-really-have-to-have' store. These luxury babies were Australian themed and made in Indonesia.
Now far be it from me to cast aspersions as to the typical Indonesian christmas cracker illustrator's knowledge of Australia's indigenous animals, or Australia in general for that matter ... but my guests and I were reasonably certain that Australian Emus don't have four legs ... although possibly the Indonesian ones do?
The map of Australia on the box also had dinosaurs in Western Australia - but we thought best not to be too pedantic at xmas ... in fact, from what I understand, the addition of a few dinosaurs could potentially be a significant improvement for WA ... perhaps they should seek the advice from the makers of my xmas crackers?
Merry festiveness y'all ;-)
*And no, I didn't win even one of the crackers I pulled.
Sympathy donations can be made to
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Culinary highlights of Singapore.
One of the things he hasn't forgotten about, however, are the joys of a peculiarly Singaporean dish - one that he vividly remembers from his childhood, back in the days even before he had managed to misspend his youth.
It is a simple dish, involving two, equally healthy, ingredients (hunk of icecream + multicoloured bread). It costs around 80 cents Singaporean and can only be bought from little old men standing at mobile icecream stands. In the interests of cross-cultural understanding I of course had to try for myself...
My verdict?
It rocks.
It looks like this.
That is all.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The power of bun!
Thought I'd post up another memento of my Singapore sojourn, this one from the food kiosk outside the Underwater World on Sentosa 'Island'. The Underwater World itself wasn't too bad but the sign below was what impressed me most - never underestimate the power of bun!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Useful signage.
This is a picture snapped on Thursday while boarding the free bus that takes tourists around Sentosa 'Island'. Sentosa is a rather curious tourist trap, literally 300 metres away from Singapore, that includes a 'magical musical fountain' and large ugly statue of a MerLion (some sort of mythical concrete animal mostly sighted in its natural habitat of Singaporean corporate logos), resplendent with mobile phone receiver sticking from the top of its head.
Not sure if this sign is any relation to the nightclub concept of a 'door whore' but it made the bus trip, while crammed in with approximately 3.2 million pushy Indian tourists, that little bit more pleasant :-)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
They've really hit the nail on the head with this one - I can think of no more appropriate image to illustrate a Brazilian waxing service than that of a woman doubled over and looking pained.
But wait, there's more.
Not only will it make you double over in pain, it brings out the women - yes, more than one - in you. Whatever exorbitant price they're charging is a bargain when you think about it that way.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Ultimate toast.
To continue with the food theme, I thought I would showcase this fabulous advertising poster from a cafe at the 'Far East' shopping mall on Tuesday. With a sales pitch like this who could resist*???
*Well, me actually.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Big sheet (spicy flavour)!
This time I'm in Singapore, teaching at a Singaporean University, attempting to perform minor miracles by teaching a semester-long course in two weeks. Stress-free zone all the way baby!
So - in the interests of retaining my sanity while attempting to conjure up a lecture on frequency distributions (amongst other equally enthralling topics) I thought I would resort to some juvenile humour.
Ladies and Gentleman, may I present the newest taste sensation - the 'Big Sheet' [only ever to be pronounced with a strong Australian accent] 'Tasty Sea' snack - now in new Spicy Flavour.
As you can see from this shot I couldn't wait to try it before taking a pic for the blog. Was indeed a big spicy sheet - a most tasty sea that was easily delicious.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Contains graphic airline scenes.
An example: on a recent trip back to NZ to show my new partner around the land of the long white cloud (and engage in a little healthy Aussie bashing for good measure) we took Air NZ from Melbourne to Auckland, and then Qantas from Auckland to Melbourne.
On the way there, I flicked through the in-flight entertainment schedule, which included the following warning in relation to the movie Superman Returns:
It always used to amaze me when in-flight news programs included extensive footage of the most recent plane crash etc etc so this seemed a slightly over zealous but still worthwhile thing to note.
On the way back, however, Qantas treated me to an in-flight screening of their featured film - Oliver Stone's 'World Trade Center' - 129 minutes of September 11-themed feature film - an entertaining contrast.
Monday, October 30, 2006
She'll be right mate!
You may remember my scooter exploits from such memorable and enthralling postings as 'my first scoot' and 'the joys of scooting'. At the moment, however, I am 'in between' scoots - not cos' of an accident (for a change) but because I am upgrading to something a leetle zippier (but only a leetle).
As a result I have returned to the joys of public transport and scabbing lifts off my partner ... in truth mostly the latter, given how
This morning we were heading through the city and I was preparing to do my stunt dive through the traffic (necessary in order to be dropped off without getting rear ended by nasty commuters) when we were overtaken by a guy on a motorbike.
I always check out fellow bikers, I guess I'm curious to see who else is as mad as me to risk life and limb on a daily basis in the city traffic ... but this guy was in a league of his own I have to say.
Would hate to cast aspersions as to how he may have injured himself, but anyone
Helmets off to you my friend, helmets off.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Soak or stoke - your call.
A rubbish bin had substantial amounts of smoke billowing from its top and a young male tourist was wandering nervously around it. He peered in the top and walked off a short way to the pedestrian crossing, then came back and peered in again, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to it (which they weren't) or sorting it out (ditto).
He then poured his bottle of water into the bin, in an attempt to put out the fire, and walked again towards the pedestrian crossing, looking back to see if it had had any effect (it hadn't). He was clearly reluctant to leave the fire unattended.
As he was doing this a woman in her power suit strode past the smouldering bin and threw in several large pieces of paper ... no doubt on her way to somewhere very busy and important.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Yay for oztraylian humour.
But credit where credit's due - for the fabulous minds that came up with the name of the latest entrant to the competitive bottled water market here. And yes, of course I fell for it and bought it just cos' of the name.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Our most popular menu item...
- frequenting dodgier engrish venues
- more on the lookout for examples to blog and make fun of in a juvenile manner
- carrying my camera with me more often
- a smut peddler who will stoop to new lows for a cheap laugh.
What the hell, let's go with option 4, in the spirit of which, I present the last item on the drinks menu at the BYO Korean restaurant I went to on Thursday night :-)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Active intent
During this time I managed to stay more or less sane (not a bad accomplishment in the world of postgrad study I'm told), despite insane stress levels, fulltime work and an average of 4-5 hours sleep a night.
This achievement did, however, come with a pricetag; namely the consumption of more junk food than one person should consume in a lifetime, spread over a two-month period. A notable component of this consumption was sufficient quantities of icecream to make me a substantial shareholder in all Australian icecream companies.
So, the schmesis is now dead and buried (thank fuck) and the waistline redemption strategy has commenced ... sort of.
Thus far, it has consisted of one visit to the gym, where I remembered why I hate it (red face, sweat and gasping anyone?).
But needs must.
So, in honour of this momentous occasion (which is clearly the beginning of my professional sporting career), I would like to post a picture of the tag from an item of clothing I bought a while back. The logo was the only reason I bought it and I think it sums up my attitude towards exercise beautifully ... and what better brand name could you possibly come up with for a logo that shows a person sitting down?
Monday, September 11, 2006
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A little gem from the Onion.
Exhibit A: Blatant attempt to distract loyal blog readers from fact that the Hatter has been inexcusably negligent on blogging front. Normal service WILL be resumed soon - promise!
Professor Pressured To Sleep With Student For Good Course Evaluation
June 27, 2006 | Issue 42•26
FAYETTEVILLE, AR—Alan Gilchrist, an associate professor of English literature at the University of Arkansas infamous for his tough grading standards and dry lecturing style, was coerced into sleeping with an undergraduate on Monday in order to earn a good course evaluation. "My tenure's on the line here, so I allowed a student to take advantage of me," said an emotional Gilchrist of the experience, which he hopes will earn him at least six "very much enjoyed" responses on the eight-item evaluation form. "I told myself it would be just this once, and that it would be over soon, and that it wouldn't be that bad, but I was used. And I can't stop showering." Sources said that the unidentified student is one of the most popular and charismatic on campus, raising questions about possible abuse of power.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Blogging mea culpa
It's not that I don't love you it's just...
Well, it's not you - it's me.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as I emerge from under this pile of thoroughly average essays crying out to be failed and have sarcastic comments scrawled over them.
It will also be resumed when this godawful jetlag stops torturing me and I get to sleep at something other than 4.30am. The dawn chorus can be fucking annoying when trying to get to sleep.
That is all.
I will be nicer next time.
The Hatter.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Working on commission for Dubai Tourism #2
Dubai is an
Consequently, their entertainment options are ... shall we say ... also a little conservative.
I was gutted I couldn't compete in this mall-based entertainment extravaganza due to time restrictions - SO would have kicked arse if I had been able to.
For the adults, the customer service culture is also pretty fab - this fruit juice bar had all the mod-cons, including complimentary cigarette lighter.
And last, but by no means least - children's entertainment is well-covered every sense of the expression...
... 'Burkha Barbie' anyone?
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Working on commission for Dubai Tourism #1
Never thought i'd meet a city more boring than Singapore but Dubai takes the cake. It has shopping [expensive gold kitsch anyone?] going for it
....and sand
...............and more Filipino workers than locals (who don't work)
....................................and some fabulously named restaurants.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Taking higha edukation seriuslee
This involves subjecting myself to the scrutiny and ridicule of up to 170 pubescent students at a time on a regular basis. In one of my classes the poor sods are stuck with me for 3 hours in a row - during which time they talk amongst themselves, look bored and critically assess every aspect of me - presentation, funny accent, hairstyle etc etc.
This is not great for the ego and the pay is rather dismal ($30K paycut to make the move from being a PR gal to an academic anyone?) but there are certain perks:
- Inflicting my notoriously cheesy music tastes on them at full volume before class (the less cool the better as far as I am concerned - watching them writhe in agony is a joy)
- Torturing them with the revision lecture at the end of semester ('is she telling us what's in the test or is she just mucking with us?')
- Reading the end of semester evaluations - highlights of this semester included "the interface should be burgundy next time" [name one thing most in need of improvement] and "the madhatter is sometimes funny" [name one thing you enjoyed the most].
- Marking the little buggers' assignments [170x 1500 word essays + 250 exams + 20 major assignments for this semester].
[wanders off sniggering]
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I even forget my own birthday!
Now my inability to remember birthdays, anniversaries etc is well-documented. Just ask Mouse or anyone else I have managed to offend over the years ... but forgetting my own blog's birthday - now that's a new low.
There have been several possible reasons posited for this inexcusable omission thus far, none of which could possibly include:
- The four hours sleep the night before owing to major computer crashes and lecture that had to be rewritten 3 times
- The fact that it was the last day of teaching for the semester
- The fact that Dr Steph and Dr John are in town
- The fact that aforementioned docs drink like fish and dragged me kicking and screaming [....honest!] to a vodka bar for the night
- The fact that the vodka bar has this on the menu:
- (which looks like this when being prepared by a waitress in what, from memory, strongly resembled a french maid's outfit):
- Or the fact that it seemed like a good 'nightcap' after a couple of vodka shots, a large vodka cocktail and some more shots (errr...and the drinks that somehow happened before heading out)
- Or that, after terrorising a number of innocent service workers (taxi drivers and supermarket checkout operators come to mind) some more drinks seemed like a good idea at home ... CS cowboys anyone?
- ... as did playing with sparklers on the deck at 1am
Monday, May 29, 2006
One for kiwis of a certain age.
Best ...
... badge
............... ever.
Sincere thanks to Fishy who, in addition to posting me more beautiful bootleg DVDs than a girl can shake a bootleg stick at, found this little pearler and paid actual money for it.
BTW - is now a good time to admit I had a poster of Rene Naufahu [aka Sam Aleni] on my wall when I was young enough to get away with it? Should I also add that it was ripped out of a copy of RTR Countdown?
No...probably best not to.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Aussies: restoring your faith in the future of mankind
This is a series of verbatim excerpts from this article in today's Age newspaper. I shit you not:
"A man has been jailed for nine years for setting fire to an associate who woke him up to sell him a stolen kitchen.
"Damian Catania, 30, was not interested in the kitchen, which was offered for $2000.
"But Justice Kevin Bell said in the Supreme Court that Catania visited would-be salesman John Ioannou an hour later, as Mr Ioannou was trying to put the kitchen back into the new house from which he had stolen it."