In my unfettered enthusiasm to scoot everywhere I go I decided to learn how to scoot in the rain on possibly the most pizzling soggy wet godforsaken day in the history of the universe (slight overstatement but you get the gist).
Having splurged out on scooters last week Tezza and I had decided to be sensible and wait until we got paid before getting some extra bits and pieces for our scoots. Unfortunately one of these 'optional extras' that we were scheduled to buy today was waterproof pants...
Scene 2:
9am Thursday morning, Scootergirl enters postgrad room, dripping happily. Squelches over to Tezza's desk and grins like idiot.
Tezza, having arrived a little earlier (after abandoning his bike somewhere completely inconvenient on the other side of university because he was too wet to scoot any more apparently) is equally wet and quite concerned about his students hassling him for having a visibly damp crotch.
Scootergirl takes shoes, socks, raingear etc off and sits in front of heater in pathetic attempt to dry off, politely suggesting that they go and buy raingear that afternoon before the scoot home. She also warns Tezza that if he ever has occasion to be scooting next to a truck in the pouring rain that keeping the feck away from it is not a bad idea, unless he really wants to be covered in more water than he thought existed in the world.
I love scooting!
4 years ago
That's all good :-)
However don't believe for a minute that the wet weather leggings are going to keep you dry... they are very effective at channeling water into your shoes/boots and crotch. Mmmmm squelchy socks, oh the memories :-)
Riding in the rain at night is cool - 'Star Wars hyper-space'
I'm still too upset to comment on this however I do feel I have some advice to offer. In time I will come to terms with it and provide you with some suggestions.
How long is it going to take?! C'mon Hammy, share your wisdom and sock drying techniques with us!
Well I'll give you a clue. Flash has good advice, the channeling effect is quite a problem.
So the trick is to ensure that your feet can't get wet. Gumboots are probably a bad idea but a big pair of leather boots can do the trick quite nicely.
I agree. Decent boots are all good (and very Mod ;-)
The only way to stay totally dry (most of the time) is to kit up in:
Full face helmet
Decent jacket and leggings (a one-piece is better but more of a hassle)
Hefty gloves
U have to take into account how the water flows so gloves tuck inside jacket, and leggings go over the boots... looks dorky but keeps you dry.
but more importantly, are you following the MotoGP yet? ;-)
"Go Rossi!!"
Well of course I am and I'm a Gibernau man all the way. Rossi is incredible - in fact the best ever - but I'm a Honda man.
It was great to see Barros bring one home though (I thought).
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