OK, I promise this hasn't turned into a scooter blog...much. Just let me get it out of my system over the next week or so and we'll move on to more important issues - like THIS.
But I have to do just a leetle rant about last night's excursion, another of those 'holy shit, that was FUN!' experiences that the scooter seems to bring on an almost daily basis.
You see, not content with being tertiary educated nerds on little scooters, Tezza and I decided to join up with other nerds, and whizz around the city in a pack - 14 of us, blatting around Melbourne town and looking seriously silly!
What's more, Tezza and I, complete with L plates hanging off the back, were by far the nerdiest of the nerds - UBER nerds if you will. Not only are we on our 'Ls', but we're also the only ones with 50cc bikes - the rest having 90cc and up. There was only one bit (110kph freeway section) that we wussed out on (and, for the record, it was Tezza doing the wussing - although I have to admit that the plan, which involved 4 people riding abreast behind us to ensure we didn't get mown down didn't sound all that appetising...) and for the rest of the time we more than held our own.
Funny how the sight of 14 scooters riding in convoy makes people stop, stare and then piss themselves laughing. Can't possibly think what might be humorous about that scene. At least it means people see you, and the constant horn honking from cars around us left no doubt that the Melbourne Scooter Club (we even paid our $2 each and bought the official stickers!) were on the loose.
I feel the need for a Tim Allan-type grunt right now but a scootergirl type snigger might be more appropriate - let's not get TOO carried away in the moment ;-)
4 years ago
Alright, where are the photos?
Whoops - got so caught up in the trying not to die whilst zipping around moment that we clean forgot about piccys - i promise to take some next ride ok?
Guess Tezza and i should post up some easy rider shots of us with our scoots at some stage as well ;-)
Ok, I've decided to amicably accept the scooter thing and get on with things...motorbikes are way cooler still though.
However, riding in a pack is definitely and uber fun thing to do. In fact it is always a highlight of the annual pilgrimage to Philip Island in October. As you get closer and closer to 'the island' you find yourself in a bigger and bigger pack. Then leaving after the race on Sunday, my god. You literally ride with tens of thousands of bikes. Now that shit is cool! Unfortunately scooters can't keep up...
That's very big of you Hammy - so honoured to have been amicably accepted!
When are we doing a scooter/motorbike friendship ride then ;-)
don't push it
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