I feel that I have to explain how this happened.
Firstly, I was in fabulous company - 2 lots of mates from NZ who didn't know each other but were both there at the same time for different events - and seeing as they both asked so nicely I couldn't refuse. Turns out they got on rather well together as well - which is always good.
Secondly, it was 'festival month' in Adelaide - which is when the city comes alive and people come out to play - we were also there on St Pat's day - which never hurts ;-)
OK - so now for a pictorial explanation of why Adelaide rocks like a mofo:
Reason #1: They have nifty public art installations.

Reason #2: But they are also rather fond of pies.

... especially this foul melange - an upturned pie submersed in pea soup and topped with tomato sauce - the sartorially named pie floater.

As the green man notes, these are typically only available extremely late at night from caravans parked around inner Adelaide and consumed by individuals who have usually had far too much to drink. An aesthetic element to the whole proceedings is the excellent colour and texture that they add to the vomit some time later. I am pleased to note that, although this was being consumed by someone I personally know [an Adelaidian needless to say], it did not make an encore performance.
This was said pie cart - complete with trashed slappers in their best party frocks who had no doubt just staggered out of the casino of the same name as the pie cart ... spooky coincidence or canny cross-promotion?

Reason #3: Their pubs have 'playstations' (their term not mine - am reliably informed that it is a nintendo 64 - old skool!) that are encased in wood.

Reason #4: Their fringe festival attracts groovy carnies.

Reason #5: When you get married you celebrate by doing laps of the main street (we saw them 3x).

Reason #6: Our host had a car with a built in fridge (someone mentioned it being like giving matches to a pyro).

Reason #7: Speaking of pyros... Adelaide has them too.

Reason #8: When you finish your weekend in Adelaide you look like this:

This poor puppy was so trashed in the departure lounge on Sunday morning that he didn't notice me snapping off a dozen shots of him. Note the panadol packet in shirt pocket - it's a pity my camera zoom's not good enough to show the drool stain on his shirt (VERY artistic).

And THAT, dear friends, is why Adelaide rocks like a mofo.
Wonder where I can go to top it? Suggestions welcomed ;-)
I've heard Palmerston North is quite a 'happening' place...
Palmerston North
Spent 5 days there some years ago running an off-roading event (as you do) - and I know where Cleese is coming from!
Need a new challenge...but where to go?! Where can possibly beat pie floaters?!
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