If you have never experienced true silence, this is what it feels like.
Picture a New York soup kitchen. A small one, operated by lovely catholic nuns, and a handful of volunteers (mainly Christian types, with one random person waiting for a visa to be processed). The kitchen is in a state of chaos. There are 150 people to feed, three people cooking meatballs, and a youth group who are just there to torment you by doing nothing, or strategically standing in front of you when you are holding scalding hot food. Then it happens. You drop a pot of sauce, and like a kid with a tick, you involuntarily yell "f***k." And there it is. True silence.
4 years ago
You are SO my hero! :-D
[methinks this needs to be incorporated into a film script somehow]
BTW: If it's any consolation I slashed myself with a stanley knife in the photocopy room yesterday and yelled shit just as the head of school was coming in the door - who hadn't seen me cut myself.
Not quite up to your faux nun pas but thought you might be relieved to know I am working hard at getting myself fired within my 3 month probation period ;-)
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