Then I went and ruined it.
Glancing off the edge of my deck onto the neighbour's rooftop I noticed a magazine lying there and called out to my houseguest to see if it was one of hers that had fallen off the railing.
As she and another mate came to check, the wind flipped the pages of what, at a very cursory glance, had appeared to be a women's magazine - to reveal that it was in fact a reasonably hardcore porn mag. Enough to make all of us go 'oh dear god!' and look away while turning red.
Sure enough, within seconds of this happening, all guests were hanging over the balcony peering at what I can only assume had been hastily chucked out of the neighbour's window when his girlfriend/parents/minister/caseworker came in unexpectedly.
But no, that wasn't enough for said classy guests. An exceedingly complicated rescue mission was mounted to retrieve the lads' mag from my neighbour's roof - which involved 3 adults, who, collectively, have more degrees than a thermometer. This efficiently planned and executed mission involved commandeering my mop and broom, taping them together and clumsily appropriating said magazine:

...which they then had a bloody good laugh at and left on my deck for me to return to the neighbour's roof when they had gone.
So, in the spirit of heartfelt retaliation, here is a lurvely piccy of Mr Terry (Sharanjeev) Johal, university lecturer, PhD candidate and professional porn connoisseur, purveying said magazine during my no-longer-classy BBQ.

N.B. Terry was perfectly happy for me to blog this picture, on the proviso that I added his disclaimers as follows - pick and choose as you wish (and feel free to add your own suggestions):
"I am shocked and honestly appalled at the lack of quality and artistry in this magazine - which is not mine, nor i have never seen it before."
"I was only looking for the WMDs"
"the terrorists made me do it....."
"hey, it was the cartoons that shocked me"
Does Mr Johal lecture on Aesthetics?
Alcuin, how did you know?
Mr Johal really needs to get some... oh.. wait...
He's a sad pervy none the less.
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