Friday, June 02, 2006

Taking higha edukation seriuslee

Although I am working hard on my 15 year plan to become a furniture restorer I have had to settle for being a university lecturer in the interim while I work my way up.

This involves subjecting myself to the scrutiny and ridicule of up to 170 pubescent students at a time on a regular basis. In one of my classes the poor sods are stuck with me for 3 hours in a row - during which time they talk amongst themselves, look bored and critically assess every aspect of me - presentation, funny accent, hairstyle etc etc.

This is not great for the ego and the pay is rather dismal ($30K paycut to make the move from being a PR gal to an academic anyone?) but there are certain perks:
  • Inflicting my notoriously cheesy music tastes on them at full volume before class (the less cool the better as far as I am concerned - watching them writhe in agony is a joy)
  • Torturing them with the revision lecture at the end of semester ('is she telling us what's in the test or is she just mucking with us?')
  • Reading the end of semester evaluations - highlights of this semester included "the interface should be burgundy next time" [name one thing most in need of improvement] and "the madhatter is sometimes funny" [name one thing you enjoyed the most].
  • Marking the little buggers' assignments [170x 1500 word essays + 250 exams + 20 major assignments for this semester].
Now why would the last one be a pleasure you ask? Well - it's not. Except that my 'essay marking coffee table' at home currently looks like this:

[wanders off sniggering]


Flash said...

Wow, lucky your coffee table is so incredibly big!!

Flash said...

...and why the hell aren't you a PR girl??!!
Just think, with all that extra money you could keep Flash and Mouse as pets (in the fashion they are accustomed to ;)

Mad Hatter. said...

By george i think you're on to something - but first a few brief questions:

1. are you house trained?

2. do you mind sleeping on a coffee table?