Thursday, June 01, 2006

I even forget my own birthday!

Tramspotting turned two yesterday - a momentous occasion in the life of any badly neglected cutting-edge blog.

Now my inability to remember birthdays, anniversaries etc is well-documented. Just ask Mouse or anyone else I have managed to offend over the years ... but forgetting my own blog's birthday - now that's a new low.

There have been several possible reasons posited for this inexcusable omission thus far, none of which could possibly include:
  • The four hours sleep the night before owing to major computer crashes and lecture that had to be rewritten 3 times
  • The fact that it was the last day of teaching for the semester
  • The fact that Dr Steph and Dr John are in town
  • The fact that aforementioned docs drink like fish and dragged me kicking and screaming [....honest!] to a vodka bar for the night
  • The fact that the vodka bar has this on the menu:

  • (which looks like this when being prepared by a waitress in what, from memory, strongly resembled a french maid's outfit):

  • Or the fact that it seemed like a good 'nightcap' after a couple of vodka shots, a large vodka cocktail and some more shots (errr...and the drinks that somehow happened before heading out)
  • Or that, after terrorising a number of innocent service workers (taxi drivers and supermarket checkout operators come to mind) some more drinks seemed like a good idea at home ... CS cowboys anyone?
  • ... as did playing with sparklers on the deck at 1am
Given that none of the foregoing are possibilities, it seems I'm fresh out of excuses - any ideas why I might have forgotten my own blog's birthday?

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