Hammy is blogging about the end of the world thanks to climate change and Tezza is blogging about seal clubbing so I thought i'd blog about something equally serious - my friend Wing.
Wing is a singing superstar in Noo Zulland and increasingly overseas as well. I first heard about her a couple of years ago when my fabulous mate nic who is an all-singing all-dancing drama gal told me about hearing her at some of the all-comers concerts that the musical community holds.
At this point in time international attention had not yet been focussed on her and she was working away, financing her own CD recording and production. Little did she know that, in the vein of a predecessor of hers, Florence Foster Jenkins, her perseverance would pay off tenfold with singing immortality.
I urge you to visit her site and sample her free music downloads - 'My favourite things' from her early album 'The sound of music and the prayer - performed by Wing' is one my favourite things.
Ladies and Gentlemen - I give you Wing!
4 years ago
Been there, Blogged that: http://goonanism.blogspot.com/2004/09/age-today-reported-on-brws-young-rich.html
Put those claws away mr fancy pants!
Speaking of your fancy pantness, I need to talk shop with you at some stage - perhaps over a girly cider?
You know where I am - all you have to do is ask.
Wing has just returned from America where she has been recording an episode of Southpark!
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