I saw my old friend Mr Tourettes Man today. According to this blog I haven't seen him since May 31 last year when he and I used to share a tram line.
Mr Tourettes, who I am now convinced is actually Mr Schizophrenia or similar, was not having a good day. I heard him about 3 blocks away as I walked up Swanston Street. He was standing on my side of the street in his suit, facing the traffic but not focussing on anyone in particular and going off his nut at someone that I couldn't see. As always, his motions were very slow and controlled - I'm sure he's not a danger to anyone.
You could see the first year uni students who have recently moved from the country to the big smoke crossing to the other side of the road to avoid him and I felt very sorry for him - and more than a little guilty for not talking to him to see if I could snap him out of wherever he was or direct him to somewhere where he was less likely to get arrested...but apathy and a meeting appointment were the winners on the day - and I feel like a heartless rat.
4 years ago
poor Mr Tourettes guy... that's such a cool condition though... I wish I had it...
...maybe I could convince people I have it... :-)
I think everyone that deals with clients has a little mr tourettes hiding inside them.
tee hee :-) Feel better already.
Right on brother! Have you seen the Melbourne fav film 'Harvey Krumpet'? Nice Tourettes reference in there as well :-)
BTW, you need to learn to swear better - i've always favoured the more creative Captain Haddock approach (see here for e.g. http://www3.sympatico.ca/brooksdr/haddock/main.htm - only less PG-rated :-)
Truly you are a heartless rat to make fun of Mr tourettes.
Will you laugh at me when I shake uncontrollably from Parkinsons?
Although the taboo of swearing in public and the fascination of one who gets away with it is luring, you must remember (as witnessed by others reactions) that it is in it's own right a debilitating disease and give it due respect.
Point taken Anonymous. Disrespect not maliciously intended but that's probably no excuse.
I deny ever burying my Uncle. He went fishing one day and didn't come back.... honest.
Yes, humor does often normalize, I agree. And it pisses me off that I found it humerous on some level myself.
I was bored and felt I needed a nemesis- I thought the Madhatter worthy. Clearly I have too much time on my hands.
A nemesis eh? Ooooooohhh goody! Sign me up please! Perhaps that could be a new career (certainly better than academia!).
For hire: Nemesis and worthy adversary - no prisoners taken, no joke too corny or off-flavour. Cheap rates, good service. For a good time call: 0800 MADHATTER.
I said Ne-mesis not New-arse. You are far too excitable Madhatter
Tetchy tetchy anon (and a slightly laboured put down if i might say so meself).
Be like that then - I didn't want to be your nemesis anyway :-P
I think Mad Hatter would make a great nemesis. Anon is just throwing his toys...
(you can be my nemesis anytime Mad Hatter ;-)
What makes you think "anon" is a he? Isn't a female a worthy advisory?
In truth, I posted anon because I like the concept of being sexless in these types of debates/conversations. All in good fun anyway I'll dissapear if you like.
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