Soooooooooo.... [stretches and cracks knuckles].
After the great Tourettes Man comments war of '05 what do you think I should blog about now? Funny how the pickled babies comment didn't get a rise from anyone but tourettes man did (regardless of whether he really is Mr Tourettes or Mr Something Equally Unfortunate But Quite Different Altogether). Maybe I'll ask him when I next seem him to settle it for once and for all.
Have been thinking for a while about changing the general theme of this blog actually. Public transport has been fun for the last year ['and oh what a year' - looks wistfully back while flicking through mental photo album] but not so many things strike me as odd as they used to. Am I turning into a hardened metropolitan commuter? Am I becoming blind to the quirkiness and wonder that is around me? Am I running out of ways to describe a train ride?....perhaps there is a little bit of truth in all of it.
So, for lack of a more imaginative brain, after the 2nd Nam tour of duty that Flash and GBFSB will be undertaking in just a few weeks I hereby declare this a 'GENERAL RANT BLOG'. From then on it wil be no holds barred! no excuses given! no spelling checks made hot and heavy blog on blog action! There will still be the odd bit of PT commentary for old times sake but this will be all new and even more nerdy!
You have been warned!
4 years ago
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