If I could pick someone to burn down part of my old school it would be this dude. Funny how dreams come true eh?
Even weirder, the dude was in the care of an organisation I used to work for - and I used to work with his support worker!
4 years ago
I must be a nerd, I really liked my old school. I just would have liked to have burned some of the people in it, Muoahaha, ahem.
Ah yes, fond memories of the corrupt principal who rigged exam results (AFTER I was there - honest!) so her school could top the country rankings (she got her ass kicked on national TV for this last year BTW - mucho malicious schadenfreude on my part).
Same complete skank who had me in tears while telling me that leaving school a year early (WITH university entrance might i add!) was the worst possible thing I could do and that I was ruining my life. She took this tack after hearing that I was bailing out early and, seeing her scholarships flash before her eyes, tried to get me to stay by offering me a term's holiday and being made head girl (so much for democratic elections - I was such a nerd that I would have been lynched if i had agreed and taken the place of the usual beauty contest/popularity winner).
No residual issues about my old school at all :-)
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