Sunday, January 15, 2006

OBVIOUSLY not here.

Flash and I went for a wander around Tasmania a couple of weeks back.

Tassie is a very cool sort of place, give or take the lack of cellphone coverage and stone age internet access (not good for two communication-addicted bunnies such as ourselves). Each town (if you can call somewhere with less than 200 people a town and not a truck stop) had an 'internet access centre' which appeared to be permanently closed other than between 2.27 and 2.32pm on a Wednesday when the locals would get together to check their town hotmail address and play their banjos.

But I digress.

After a few days of road-tripping through the wilderness we got to Launceston - which is a funky little mini-city/large town - although pronouncing the name proved a little tricky for Flash.

Anyhoo - apart from an excellent furniture design museum, very pretty gorge, good pancakes and historic buildings, Launceston does a nice line in graffitti and counter graff.

Such as this:

1 comment:

Flash said...

it's a stupid name anyway! ;-)