It is truly a parable for our modern times - and it really resonates with a post-grad student such as myself who has been working to acquire my own little kowlage collection over the last few years. [beats chest in fit of academic fervour]
Steph has suggested the term 'Nigrish' for this particular sub-species of Engrish - and I rather like the word - not least cos' it sounds just a little rebellious.
Squint and enjoy.

I've been looking at this photo for about a week now and still can't work out why that guy is holding a cardboard box up above his head? That can't be the easiest way to carry it, and it doesn't look like a very impressive offering to the Gods...
Maybe it contains a chocolate cake and he's expecting a flood of small children to come rushing around the corner?
Or maybe it contains a solar powered radio?
Alas, Flash,'tis nothing so interesting. This is Africa - they carry things on their heads, the box is just on its way up there
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