Ok this is a (rather crappy) picture of one of my favourite Engrish purchases ever.
I went on a little stationery binge a while back (as I am wont to do) and I was looking for a blank notebook. Well, sitting near the back, looking a little lonely was this beautiful baby - all styled up like a proper Collins diary - with the words 'Race Relations Handbook' embossed in gold on the top right-hand corner in a very proper way.
...and yes, it's blank on the inside.
...and no, I'm not going to make any further comments about that for fear of lynching.
It also has a world map on the inside with, amongst other gems, the new capital of Tasmania - 'HOBRAT' proudly marked.
As my friend Teacher Rebecca from Taiwan would say, 'Book This Is Yes Cool!'.
And, of course, it set me back the stunning amount of 15,000 dong (that'll be $1 US ma'am).
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