Saturday, December 24, 2005

Bet the rats are relieved.

Well xmas is tomorrow and I should be writing my thesis but, in the interests of festive procrastination, I thought I'd share a little gem from a smoothie bar I went to in the States a few years ago. Not sure I am too keen on their take on 'local flavours'.

I really get a ridiculous amount of pleasure out of these sort of typographical cock-ups - and if I can combine it with a little festive Yank-bashing then all the better :-)


1UP RPG said...

Hey, even this Yank thinks it's funny.

Merry Christmas!

Mad Hatter. said...

What?! Yanks use the internet?!

Oh dear - better stop being so nasty ;-)

Thanks for stopping by Clubbs - hope xmas treated you well.