Was going allright until I got to the bit on the instructions that showed the back board and a picture of a nail and hammer with the inspiring instructions: 'tap tap 004c x 40'.

So, I duly tap tapped 40 nails in, turned the blasted thing over and realised that I was somewhat off the mark with approximately 20 of em.
Ah well - the joy of bookshelves is that you can put stuff on them to cover up the nastiness, which, in my case, constitutes about 20 nails that are poking through the backboard.
I will not be repeating the kitset exercise for as long as I can possibly manage but, for the record, I came, I saw, I tap tap tapped x40 and [more or less] conquered.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to write a conference paper and moderate some essay marking - which will no doubt be mountains easier than wrangling nasty kitset furniture!
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