Took the tram again for old time's sake. Tram people are more fun than train people. Different times of the day attract different people. After the morning commuting rush where people look grumpy or asleep and read each other's newspapers while they're crushed in like sardines the next shift takes over. Around mid-morning, public transport is the exclusive domain of oldies, single parents, university students and the unemployed (you may as well count the last two as one). There also a few of that rare and happy breed - the 'flexible hours' worker - the corporate bunnies who have earnt the right to turn up to work when they damn well like it.
On this trip, there wasn't anything hugely unusual - just a really nice mix. The young Somalian mother with unfeasibly large pushchair who got helped on to the tram, the usual oldies (who always seem to travel at least in pairs, usually much bigger posses), uni students, a distinctly unemployed couple (sometimes you can just tell) and some blissfully happy corporate-types.
I watched as one of the oldies stared in confused amazement at the fashionable young female uni student wearing knee-high ugg boots (what is with THAT?!!!) and listened in on the inane conversation between the unemployed couple. An especial treat was the young guy in a suit, who seemed to be travelling to work but was carrying only his tram pass and 2 bananas...given the chronic back problems that my bag containing laptop, books, wallet, mobile, gloves, tissues, scarf, music player etc gives me I was extremely tempted to ask what his secret was...who cares what the job is: if you can perform it with only a suit, a tram ticket and 2 bananas then it's GOT to be all good! :-)
4 years ago
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