On a major intersection on my tram line there has been, for the last month or so, a large billboard advertising 'Shelly Innocence' and her website. I generally don't pay a lot of attention to billboards but this one stuck out for its spectacular cheesyness and the fact that it had a picture of its covergirl sitting in a field of flowers with the beautifuly obtuse line 'Trust - only believe' on it. It also had a link to the website - www.shellyinnocence.com . For weeks I would idly look at it and wonder if perhaps it was advertising a self-improvement seminar or self-help tapes 'a la Anthony Robbins' or something equivalent.
Turns out its much funnier - 'Shelly' (who, if I had looked closely, I would have realised is not quite all she appears to be) is marketing the real deal - Happiness TM, Trust TM, Risk TM, Truth TM and Innocence TM among others. Unfortunately, Committment TM, Joy TM and some other exciting products have been discontinued, so I had to make do with purchasing Integrity TM (strapline: 'It's not for everyone') instead. Got it on special!
Thoroughly recommend Shelly's products to anyone who is in need of a pick me up.
4 years ago
I am actually quite concerned by Shelly Innocence Inc.
Hmmmm, food for thought ...or is that part of the problem?
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