As most of my loyal readers will be aware, my recent blogging hiatus was due to a mad dash to finish my never-ending Masters thesis (fondly referred to as 'schmesis' or 'the bane of my life').
During this time I managed to stay more or less sane (not a bad accomplishment in the world of postgrad study I'm told), despite insane stress levels, fulltime work and an average of 4-5 hours sleep a night.
This achievement did, however, come with a pricetag; namely the consumption of more junk food than one person should consume in a lifetime, spread over a two-month period. A notable component of this consumption was sufficient quantities of icecream to make me a substantial shareholder in all Australian icecream companies.
So, the schmesis is now dead and buried (thank fuck) and the waistline redemption strategy has commenced ... sort of.
Thus far, it has consisted of one visit to the gym, where I remembered why I hate it (red face, sweat and gasping anyone?).
But needs must.
So, in honour of this momentous occasion (which is clearly the beginning of my professional sporting career), I would like to post a picture of the tag from an item of clothing I bought a while back. The logo was the only reason I bought it and I think it sums up my attitude towards exercise beautifully ... and what better brand name could you possibly come up with for a logo that shows a person sitting down?