Monday, September 25, 2006

Yay for oztraylian humour.

As a card-carrying Aussie basher (who is quite happy to live here, work here, use the health system etc etc), it is a rare occasion when I give a 'shout out' [note hip street slang usage applied only slightly incorrectly] to Australians for anything.

But credit where credit's due - for the fabulous minds that came up with the name of the latest entrant to the competitive bottled water market here. And yes, of course I fell for it and bought it just cos' of the name.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our most popular menu item...

Hmmm, it seems that, since returning to semi-regular blogging duties, the focus has been largely on R13-rated engrish specimens. This means I am either:

  1. frequenting dodgier engrish venues
  2. more on the lookout for examples to blog and make fun of in a juvenile manner
  3. carrying my camera with me more often
  4. a smut peddler who will stoop to new lows for a cheap laugh.

What the hell, let's go with option 4, in the spirit of which, I present the last item on the drinks menu at the BYO Korean restaurant I went to on Thursday night :-)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Active intent

As most of my loyal readers will be aware, my recent blogging hiatus was due to a mad dash to finish my never-ending Masters thesis (fondly referred to as 'schmesis' or 'the bane of my life').

During this time I managed to stay more or less sane (not a bad accomplishment in the world of postgrad study I'm told), despite insane stress levels, fulltime work and an average of 4-5 hours sleep a night.

This achievement did, however, come with a pricetag; namely the consumption of more junk food than one person should consume in a lifetime, spread over a two-month period. A notable component of this consumption was sufficient quantities of icecream to make me a substantial shareholder in all Australian icecream companies.

So, the schmesis is now dead and buried (thank fuck) and the waistline redemption strategy has commenced ... sort of.

Thus far, it has consisted of one visit to the gym, where I remembered why I hate it (red face, sweat and gasping anyone?).

But needs must.

So, in honour of this momentous occasion (which is clearly the beginning of my professional sporting career), I would like to post a picture of the tag from an item of clothing I bought a while back. The logo was the only reason I bought it and I think it sums up my attitude towards exercise beautifully ... and what better brand name could you possibly come up with for a logo that shows a person sitting down?

Monday, September 11, 2006

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

The thesis is dead, long live online procrastination!

[Said that Hatter, returning to the world of blogging in style by posting up the business card of the fine dining establishment where she had dinner on Saturday].

For the record, the food was great.